"Did This" vs. "Did Not Do This" Segments

Segment entry for Google submitted on 8/3/2017 10:07:42 AM by Tim Wilson

Useful context for evaluating one segment of visitors is often "all the other visitors (or visits)." This is very straightforward to do with Adobe Analytics:

1. Create the initial segment and save it.
2. Click on the arrow at the top right of that segment and select "Copy."
2. Name the segment and change the dropdown from "Include" to "Exclude."
3. Click "Save" and save the new segment.

This process is shown in the first image included here. What is shown is a simple example of "visits that entered on the home page." More often, there is a more involved segment .

I like to start names with "Include:" and "Exclude" to make it clear in the segment's name what type of segment it is.

The two segments can then be added to a report in Google Analytics or Data Studio. It can be reassuring to include the "All Users" segment, too, initially to confirm that the two segments, when combined, actually do equal "the whole." The second image here shows an example of that.

RELATED: Link 1 · Link 2

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